Sunday, December 30, 2012

38 weeks.

week: 38

baby stats: well, the baby is the size of a baby now.  the length of a leek, size of a pumpkin.  weight and length at this point are averages, so assuming this baby is about the same size as emme at this point, s/he is probably around 7 pounds now.  i can't wait to see him/her.  

aversions/cravings: still coasting on my christmas free day.  my heartburn is in full effect, so nothing is super satisfying when you re-visit it for hours on end.

bump: out there.  tried on my belly cast from last pregnancy again, though, and i can still fit an arm or two in there compared to where i am now.  pretty sure that extra room was not baby.  ha.  and this belly is still plenty big.  

worries: my head is in a decent place.  of course i have a lot of anticipation/nervousness.  stuff like wanting to make sure ek is a-ok when i go into labor.  stuff like worrying that my labor will be so crazy fast that i'll have a baby in the car.  stuff like wanting to accommodate schedules of who's attending the birth and who's helping out at home (including but not limited to: my parents, alison, my doula, justin, etc.).  but all of that is just logistics, and i am mostly just trying to harness my chi about the whole ordeal.  

boy or girl?: i'm still calling boy.  

missing the most: sleep.  normal sinuses.  

pregnancy milestone: lots this week.  i got checked at my 38 week appointment on friday and i'm 2-3 cm and 80% effaced.  is that too much info to share on a blog?  anyway...i didn't get checked until 40 weeks with ek, and i was nowhere with her and she was born less than 48 hours later, so i am not really placing any stock in this bit of information.  still, it's interesting/somewhat exciting for me.  i also have been losing my mucus plug (worst name for any activity your body performs ever) today, so that is also exciting.  again...doesn't mean anything until it does, but all signs point to things starting to progress, albeit slowly.
anyway.  we packed our bags on friday night and cleaned out cars and installed the car seat base this weekend.  all clothes and bedding are clean.  i picked up a bassinet from wendy and it's ready to go (well, it has my birthing ball in it right now, but other than that it is ready).  so.  the checklist is complete, really.  i'm on top of laundry, the house is reasonably clean, all christmas decorations are put away.  all we need is a few more days (i think it would be nice to resume a routine for ek, which happens on wednesday.  i also like the idea of 39 weeks.) and a baby....

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

37 weeks.

week: 37

baby stats: i love reading things like "babies born between this point and 42 weeks are considered full term".  yay!  our baby is the size of a winter melon this week, whatever that means.  s/he averages 6.13 lbs. and 19 inches.  both my midwife and chiropractor think this baby is an average size at this point, so things appear to be in a good place.  i don't feel like i'm going in to labor any time in the super near future, but really who knows?  the countdown is on.  

aversions/cravings: i got a free pass from my doc for christmas day and i totally lived it up.  i ate 2 cookies and a whole lot of other carbs that were amazing.  i feel like i can make it through the home stretch.

bump: getting bigger by the minute, it seems.  the lady at the door for christmas mass said "looks like you're going to be getting a christmas gift pretty soon".  yes ma'am.  also, when i am still for a few minutes, it looks like aliens are wrestling in my belly.  love it.  

worries: i am starting to anticipate labor (finally).  i'm trying to relax my mind and body and accept that it will be what it will be, but i do have the whole pressure of my awesome first birth experience to "live up to".  i know this one will be different and awesome in its own way, but i just hope i can do it all again.  i also am super excited/anxious about breastfeeding again.  i just hope i have the ease i had with emme this time too.  

boy or girl?: still having a hard time thinking that it could be a girl, but mostly i'm just curious to see him/her.  

missing the most: still sleep.  some nights are ok, but the hip/pelvic pain are hard core and my mind is busy busy.  

pregnancy milestone: i have the list of stuff to pack for the hospital (haven't actually packed it yet, but i think that will happen today....).  i also have the infant car seat out and just need to install it.  i did my pre-registration paperwork online for the hospital.  slowly slowly checking items off the list....

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


my co-workers (the ones that sit in my little 4-cube area with me who are my favorite people at my company) have begun predicting the outcome of this pregnancy.  for posterity, i'm recording it here.  if you read this blog (do people read this blog?), feel free to add a comment and i will add your prediction here.  the most accurate predictor may win something, when and if i get it together to create things again.  wendy was almost 100% right on her emme prediction, so i'm anxious to hear what she says - i think she was 3 oz. off but got date and gender correct.  i don't think i'm quite ready to make a prediction yet.  let me cross a few more things off my to do list then i will add my thoughts.  whee!

david: boy; january 5.  no weight/length prediction because "those are just details".

jen: boy; january 8, 9 a.m.  8 lbs. 3 oz.; 21.5 inches.

kay: boy; january 13, 1:44 p.m. 8 lbs. 1 oz.; 21 inches.

emma: girl; january 4, 11 a.m. 7 lbs. 9 oz.; 20.5 inches.

wendy: boy; january 11; 7 lbs. 14 oz.; 20 inches.

justin: girl; january 11; 8 lbs. 4 oz.; 20 inches.

kk: boy; january 9; 8 lbs. 7 oz.

jasmine: boy; january 8, 8:00 p.m.; 8 lbs. 8 oz.

me: boy; january 18, 4:33 p.m.; 8 lbs. 4 oz.; 21 inches.

karen g: boy; january 2; 8 lbs. 10 oz.

lolo: boy; january 6; 7 lbs. 12 oz.

jeff a: boy; december 31/january 1, midnight; 7 lbs. 10 oz.

Monday, December 17, 2012

36 weeks.

week: 36

baby stats: this week bebe deux is the size of a crenshaw melon or a honeydew.  as a side note, emme had some honeydew at breakfast this weekend, and her saying honeydew is adorable.  i digress.  the average baby is about 6 pounds and 18 inches at this point.  s/he is gaining weight at the rate of an ounce a day.  four weeks to go (give or take).  whew! 

aversions/cravings: i made chocolate chip cookies from scratch for emme's teachers last night.  they smelled and looked amazing.  i really want some desserts. 

bump: i just had my 36 week appointment and am measuring exactly on track.  i thought this was a big growth week, but everything still looks normal and good.  liane felt my belly today and said it feels like a normal size baby (not the 32 pound baby i sometimes think i might deliver) and like i have a lot of water, which is great. 

worries: i'm starting to get really excited more than anything.  this morning, i saw someone's facebook post announcing the birth of her baby and i thought to myself "awwww, i want a new little baby!".  and then i remembered i'm pregnant and that is going to be me (not the facebook post, but the baby part) in just a few weeks!  it's going to be awesome, i think. 

boy or girl?: well, i told my mom last week that i would be SO surprised if this baby is a girl (and i maintain that i will be).  she reminded me that i said the EXACT same thing about emme.  which is probably true.  so...i'm still thinking boy.  but i'm also still thinking it will be one or the other.  ha.  we need to decide on some girl names. 

missing the most: sleeping.  the last week or so has been pretty rough for sleep.  pubic symphisis, peeing 3-4 times a night, emme waking up because of her cough/snotty nose...i guess it's all just part of prepping for when the kiddo shows up. 

pregnancy milestone: i filled out all my work paperwork for maternity leave and made a list of stuff to bring to the hospital.  i also moved ek's car seat to the side so i can install the infant seat base some time this week.  whoa.  i think the only major thing left is to get the bassinet situation set up so this bug has somewhere to sleep.  and to find our bouncy seat, which is MIA.  oh, i also need to talk to my boss since she's still in intense denial about the fact that i'm having a baby (she is still sending me meeting requests for january and asking me to take action items due in mid-january).  yeesh. 

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


looking through my phone pictures from the last couple of days, i think emme is hilarious lately. i think i thought that kids go through the whole pull-all-their-clothes-off-and-run-around phase a little earlier than now, and i guess i just figured we weren't going to go through that particular rite of passage. oh, but i was so wrong. every day when i pick her up, emme is in some state of undress. her newest preference is pulling one arm out of her neck and hanging out with the one-shouldered look. the highlight of her day is after dinner (and sometimes before), when she is allowed to strip down and run gleefully through the house shouting "iiiiiiii'mmmmm NAKED!". it's too funny/adorable to try to make her stop.

anyway.  i'm saying this only to explain the lack of clothing in the photos below.  the first was on a random night this week when she not only stripped before dinner, but also convinced me she needed 3 clementines (i usually stop her at 2).  she started putting them in front of her teeth like a mouth guard - what a funny kid.  the second happened on sunday afternoon when she discovered an additional pack of christmas stickers my mom sent in a package.  her daddy showed her how to peel them off the backing by herself, so she decorated her body, including the snowman on her belly button, my favorite touch.  she pulled her pants off so she could make sure she had a sticker on each knee, obviously.  third, and featuring her preferred one-shoulder look, is from last night when i squirted a small dollop of readi-whip onto her blackberries for dessert because she had eaten a PILE of spaghetti, meatballs, and spinach.  maybe i should give her sweets a tad more often so she knows how to control herself?  and finally, fully-clothed, is ek before school on monday, our first day of real cold this year.  she just looks so big in winter clothes, i can't take it!  and the face she is making is the face she now makes when i ask her to smile for the camera.  what a ham.  

Monday, December 10, 2012

35 weeks.

week: 35

baby stats: this is when the fruit comparisons start to get redundant and/or ridiculous, i think.  smalls is roughly the size of a honeydew melon or a coconut (i think coconuts are fairly small compared to some of the other recent fruit, but what do i know?).  so, approximately 5.25-5.8 pounds and 17.5-18.5 inches long.  baby's kidneys are good to go now, hearing is fully developed, musculoskeletal system is fully developed, and lungs are looking good.  the rest of this baby's time in my uterus is really about putting on lbs. and getting ready for exit.  

aversions/cravings: as expected, with the holidays on the horizon, i just want food.  i want to be in my kitchen baking and cooking and having lots of random people show up and eat at my house. 

bump: i am measuring right on track as of last week.  we start weekly appointments next week, so that is exciting as far as keeping track of growth.  i am definitely feeling the size of this kiddo lately - this is an active little niblet.  my belly button has still not popped out (it never did with emme), but i also don't have a linea negra this time (with her there was like a black tire track down my belly). i know there is a lot of growth to go over the last weeks, but it's almost hard to imagine it can get bigger than this. 

worries: hanging in there.  the last week or so has brought a TON of movement (i guess as baby's size increases and the amount of amniotic fluid decreases), so even though it can be not super comfortable on occasion (and can interfere with sleep), i LOVE this part of pregnancy.  i also love knowing that we're almost to the "safety zone" of size/development (in my own head).  also, we're in generally decent shape with preparation - clothes washed, boppy cleaned, etc - so that makes me less frantic.  i also submitted the paperwork for bebe at emme's school.  i am still hoping to find a nanny for the first year, but at least we have a back-up plan for when i go back to work, so that is a huge relief. 

boy or girl?: i can't remember the last time someone looked at my belly and guessed it will be a girl, so i am still firmly on the boy tip.  as i always say, though, i will still be surprised either way. 

missing the most: agility.  i'm not even an agile/graceful person, but i don't love how hard it is to bend over, pick up emme, etc.  but...totally worthwhile, obviously. 

pregnancy milestone: i'm in full-on final weeks insomnia/pelvis pain fun.  i like to think of these weeks as training for the newborn.  i really can't complain, though - i am really excited.  this is about to get really real.  wednesday marks the 1 month until my due date mark.  whoa!!

Monday, December 03, 2012

emme at 2.

i never seem to have a format or organizational structure for these posts.  it’s really hard because i start writing about one thing and it makes me think of 57 other anecdotes and then i just spiral off.  i will attempt to summarize emme at age 2. 

physical: i am still stunned when i see pictures of this little monkey from even a few months ago.  her hair has grown so much and she is definitely turning in to the taller and leaner girl she is becoming and less of the slightly chubby baby i have been in love with for so long now.  that last little thigh roll is on its way out – a fact that makes my heart ache just a little bit.  as far as who she looks like, i think we still get comments on her resemblance to kk the most.  i occasionally see a picture that makes me think she is me as a small person.  but there are definitely many moments where she looks EXACTLY like jb – even if it’s just the expression.  she is busy and active all the time.  she loves to hang on stuff – the oven door, the freezer drawer, the dishwasher handle, and any other reachable bar that can support her weight. 
emme is still a champion sleeper, a fact i am thankful for daily.  she sleeps roughly 12 hours at night (7:30-7:30 or so) and takes 3-4 hour naps when she’s at home most days (2 hours is pretty typical for school).  she’s a great eater, another thing that i relish because it makes life SO much easier.  i thought she wasn’t crazy about spinach, but she recently started loving creamed spinach, so that’s back on the list.  most days, she will try anything.  she definitely has meals where she’s not interested in food at all, of course.  she is a toddler, after all.  but in general i do not stress out about her growth or nutrition, which is lovely for a worry wart like me. 
we are also so fortunate that ek is such a healthy kid.  after the ear infection battle last winter/spring, we have not really had an illness to speak of.  the tubes are doing what they’re supposed to be doing (yay!), and her immune system seems to be pretty robust beyond that.  i’m sure this winter (if we actually get a winter) may bring a few bugs to our house, but i hope we can avoid most of them.  she does get a persistent little cough every so often that i think is allergies – when it gets really bad, i give her zyrtec before bed and that knocks it right out.  most other nights i rub eucalyptus oil on her feet and that does the trick! 
if i had to pick a favorite outdoor activity for this little bug, i would go with sliding.  she can spot a slide from miles away – it is nuts.  she gets great joy just from pointing them out to us – especially the “twirly” slides.  inside, she loves reading.  it’s how we start and finish most days, a routine that i love.  she also is obsessed with her baby right now.  she is very nurturing and sweet with baby, but it can get a little intense.  initially, i set a whole lot of boundaries with baby – no baby at the table, no baby in bed, no baby in the car, etc. – but i have bent on most of those.  fortunately, she is somewhat reasonable (most days) about letting baby take a nap when we have something else pressing.  she does also tell us “i’m a good little mama” when she’s giving baby a bottle or whatever.  so cute. 
finally, under this category, is the potty situation.  she has been (what i would consider) potty-trained since mid/late october or so.  it’s amazing.  we definitely have accidents here and there (more at school than at home, where i am reminding her all the time), but i can count on one hand the number of poop accidents we’ve had.  she also totally understands when she has an accident and why, which is great.  i did a brief bribery attempt about a week in to the training where i would give her an m&m each time we had a successful potty trip (i did this because she was randomly resisting and i wanted to motivate her to push through).  so now, she still asks for a “special treat” after most trips to the potty at home.  it’s really funny.  we still diaper her at night and probably will for a while longer.  she is just so little and sleeps SO well.  and, let’s be honest, i am not interested in changing all her bedding several times a week.  she has dry diapers 2-3 nights a week, but that is not enough for me to take the plunge quite yet….

mental/emotional: emmeline is a talker.  i am amazed and entertained by her daily.  she sings and tells us things constantly.  she knows the full alphabet song – she went from a few letters and lots of mumbling to full articulation of the song and chorus in a matter of a couple of days.  it’s craziness.  she counts to 15 or so (maybe higher – she usually loses interest or starts giggling around 15), but it’s 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, eleven, 8, 9, 10, 11….cracks me up every time.  she’s also associating counting with numbering objects (as opposed to just naming the numbers from memory), which is fascinating to me.  we have that book click clack 123 and she counts the animals while pointing to them up to about 7 or 8 (which is the pigs, who she likes to point out are naked and then laugh).  for books that we read frequently, ek loves to complete the sentence.  her favorite right now is madeline (especially the page where madeline says “pooh-pooh” to the tiger at the zoo).  she’s really in to the night before Christmas right now, since we’ve been talking a lot about santa, the holidays, etc. 
emme is very attached to her “buddies” at school.  she talks about them and gets randomly fascinated with various ones each day.  she is obsessed with “bo-bos”, our word for small injuries.  she will invent a bo-bo on her own body and tell me about how one of her friends fell and got a bo-bo at school.  she will also try to doctor what she perceives as bo-bo’s on me…little does she know, most of it is just scars or random skin flaws i’ve acquired over the past 31 years.  anyway…i love that nurturing aspect of her little personality. 
i can get super frustrated with certain aspects of her school, but as a whole, i cannot say enough about what a montessori education has done for emme and our family.  i love seeing her curiosity and her engagement with the world. 

personality: emme kay is spunky and stubborn and a blast.  she is dramatic and silly.  a few stories to illustrate:
last night, we were wrapping up dinner and she had stolen my fork and had her fork.  she grabbed justin’s hand and asked if she could “cut his nails” with the forks.  then she started singing “where is thumbkin”, which is the song i sing to her when cutting her nails.  it was so endearing. 
also last night, we were winding down and getting snuggled up to read bedtime stories.  justin was still messing with her a little bit – pretending to bite her baby’s foot and growling.  she put her hand on his hand/baby and looked right at him and said “no, daddy.  it’s time for bed”. 
lately, when she is not in the mood to play/wrestle, she will tell us no and that we’re hurting her.  so dramatic.  when she does want to play, she will thrust her foot toward our faces and demand that we “bite the foot” and immediately erupt into giggles. 
she still points out every object in the sky and now we talk about where that object goes – helicopters and planes go to the airport; birds go to their nests; the moon gets bigger/smaller, etc. 
she could sing ring around the rosey a thousand times a day and thinks falling down is the greatest. 
she likes to be up on the counter exploring while i cook.  
she bosses the dogs around - excuse me, ollie.  kicked off, etta.  she is definitely not scared to tell them what to do, but also gives them lots of affection.  

i could think of a billion other stories and notes, but i am guessing this has already long bored anyone who is not in our immediate family.  i just have to say that parenting this child for the last 2+ years has been more fun and rewarding and delightful than anything i could have ever imagined.  even whenever she frustrates me (with the two of us as stubborn as we are, it definitely happens), i feel so so so lucky that i get to be her mom.  i want time to slow down immediately so i can fully immerse myself in everything she is doing each day, but at the same time i am so excited to see what’s around the corner.  i know people say it all the time, but each age is my favorite age yet.  i adore this little mosquito. 

now, on to the overload of pictures….

34 weeks.

week: 34

baby stats: b2 is roughly the size of a butternut squash or cantelope this week.  4.75-5.8 pounds is the average range, and 17-19 inches.  more fattening and brain growth and development of the central nervous system.  i like to think of these final weeks as the finishing touches.  so fun. 

aversions/cravings: not too bad this week.  justin bought some southern comfort egg nog the other day, and i am exceedingly jealous of that.  as an aside, if you have not tried it and are not diabetic, go get it now.  it's the southern comfort brand (no alcohol in it, duh) and it's near the creamer/milk/etc. in the dairy section of the grocery store in a little quart carton.  black with white lettering.  i will add to this recommendation by saying i think egg nog is disgusting, but this egg nog is one of the more delicious substances on earth....

bump: we have our 34 week appointment tomorrow, so we shall see how things are growing.  i am still feeling relatively normal in terms of size.  i think i was full-on huge with ek at this point, so even if i look massive to the outside world, i don't feel nearly as massive as last time, so that is a nice change.  particularly since stupid texas refuses to participate in december and our weather has been in the 80s.  ugh.  

worries: pretty good this week.  we had a really busy and productive weekend, and i have an appointment tomorrow, so those are usually recipes for a saner me.  i called the midwife last week to discuss my fasting levels and she still thinks i'm good without meds, so that is awesome.  really hoping to keep that up, but it feels like every day is harder. 

boy or girl?: i had a dream last night that we were at an appointment with my ob and she told us it was a boy and then was like "oh, wait, you STILL didn't want to know?  it's just a few more weeks."  haha.  in my dream, justin cried with joy over it being a boy, so i'm not sure what that says about my subconscious pressure.  ha. 

missing the most: not waking up in the middle of the night to pee.  being able to stay awake past 9:30. 

pregnancy milestone: nothing major this week.  the pain in my pelvis is pretty amazing and earlier i think (or at least at this intensity) than with emme.  my chiro did adjust the pubic bone last week because i'm out of alignment there and i am still sore from that.  fun fun. 
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