Monday, September 26, 2011

bath time with camo.

i know i've mentioned alison and her daughter cameron on here a few times, but we are horrible about taking pictures when the girls are together, so this is the first time i've had visual representation to share.  last week, cameron's nanny was out for thursday and friday, so alison "borrowed" our nanny and brought camo over for two fun-filled days.  the week before, we had an afternoon/evening of swimming and dinnertime.  the girls are just 13 days apart and alison and i shared our pregnancies from when she was 8 weeks and i was just over 5 weeks, so they really do go way WAY back.  they are not quite at the developmental stage where they play intentionally with each other, but they are very good at side-by-side play and are more engaged every time they get together.  interaction is also inevitable with girls this curious, and they are excellent at taking keys and other toys out of each others' hands.  they have very different styles of getting whatever random item they want (and of getting from here to there), but it's a world of entertainment to watch the two of them get in to various things.  for example, we had a mini-picnic after work on the front porch on friday and cameron was eating mulch from our plants while emme preferred to eat only cheerios that had been spilled on to the ground.  we also took turns sliding alison's keys across the tile floor and watching them "race" to get them.  cameron crawls up on all fours when she's on carpet, but on tile she does this sliding ninja crawl that is SO fast and hilarious. 

anyway, it is so fun to have a close friend have a little girl that's the same age as mine - makes all the experiences that much more fun since we get to share them.  i really hope these two maintain their bond for many years to come. 

on the night of swimming, when everything was winding down, we decided to plop both girls in the tub so we could stretch out our time together a little bit more.  justin snapped some pictures so we finally have some documentation of these little monkeys.  sorry for the naked baby photos, but i mean, c'mon.  pure cuteness, right? 

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