Thursday, February 07, 2013

emme kay lately.

where can i even start with what emme is like these days?  this child is the light of my life.  she is exuberant and hilarious and bossy and dramatic and fiercely independent.  she is full of so much love it could almost break my heart.

emme loves hollis.  she can get jealous of him since he needs so much of me right now, but she NEVER takes it out on him.  she talks to him and reads to him and asks him questions like "hollis, do you want some cheerios with me, hollis?".  the other morning, he was asleep and i was sitting next to her while she pottied before getting dressed for school and we heard him start crying/waking up.  she called out "it's ok, hollis, i'm coming!".  she loves when we pick her up from school each day - she shows him off to all her buddies and "helps" me carry him in the carrier back to the car.

another thing our little independent bug is doing is when she wants to go get something, she will direct us.  she holds a hand or finger out and says "imma be right back.  you stay there mama, i'll just be one minute".  she doesn't want help with the potty, with dressing, washing her hands...even bath time sees her doing battle with justin over who is going to do the shampooing.

every morning, emme wakes up singing.  she also talks to herself and teaches herself lessons while she waits for us to go get her.  stuff like "i'm not going to hit my buddies, no".  ha - i'm glad she knows it, even if she doesn't always act it.  the singing is the greatest.  she makes stuff up, usually to the tune of twinkle twinkle, or she will sing happy birthday to various people.  she also has a new song from school almost daily.  recently, she was using my hands to show me the gestures to a song i didn't know.  i could have sworn she was saying "grey skull grey skull", but i asked a teacher and apparently it's grey squirrel...seems like a much more appropriate song topic.

e's favorite book today is called that pup.  my aunt cynthia and uncle ricky sent it to her for hollis's birth and she LOVES it.  the main attractions are that it involves counting, and she and justin make squirrel noises throughout the book.  love it.

anyway.  i could write for days about our little pooter.  but i am typing one handed and should get packing for our louisiana trip!  ek is so excited for mardi gras and keeps telling us how she's going to catch the beads and say "throw me mister mister".

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