Wednesday, April 10, 2013


weeks ago, we took ek to the rodeo here in austin.  it's a much smaller rodeo than what i've heard of the dallas and houston ones, but it was still plenty of entertainment for us!  we had planned to go the weekend before it ended, but that was the weekend after plague week, so we postponed and ended up going on the very last day.  it was so much fun.  we had a random cold front that day, so it was in the 40s with lots of wind and we did not dress for the occasion.  fortunately, like the good mom that i am in random moments, i had extra clothes and blankets for both kidlets in the car.  unfortunately, the same did not apply for justin and me.  jb was in short sleeves and i was in flip flops and a flimsy yoga sweater.  not to be deterred, we braved it and ended up having a great time despite the frigid temps.  it was also kind of awesome because there were hardly any other people there.  

the highlight was the petting zoo - deer, goats, baby goats, alpaca, and sheep were all milling about for us to pet and hang out with.  i love how much ek loves animals...she is so much like me in some things.  anyway...the deer and goats were pretty aggressive.  they knew people had treats and they were not happy when we ran out of treats, so they attempted to eat our clothes.  it was hilarious.  emme was trying to boss them around - hands on hips saying "no, goat!".  

we also got to see a cow get milked and learned a whole lot about the dairy/milk industry.  fascinating (really, it was.  that is not sarcasm).  we walked around all the show animals and they were all so pretty.  i'm excited to go back next year on a warmer day (or at least more prepared).  

since all the animals and emme moved non-stop, pretty much every single picture is blurry.  but, i had to document something!

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