Monday, September 22, 2014


we got the kids a sandbox this weekend. seriously, why have we not owned a sandbox for their entire lives?

our original plan was to make one, because that is cute and fun. but with all the projects we've been trying to do at our house as of late, we just decided to bite the bullet and get a pre-fab one. magically, the one we chose fits perfectly in the little space below the fort in their playscape AND it has a lid. lid = key for so many reasons.

we have decided the sandbox is the zen garden of sibling-hood. they do not fight in there. they just giggle and dump sand on each other and spend long stretches of time hanging out. it's like magic.

obviously it is too soon to tell if this will be an ongoing trend, but the sandbox was only operational from saturday evening (30 minutes pre-bedtime) on. i would estimate they spent a good three hours in there, resulting in at least 900 mosquito bites (despite my best attempts at warding them off) and a pound or so of sand in their clothes, hair, bathtub, etc. i think that's a good pre-indicator of success, right?

waiting patiently for sand. 

can't be bothered to look at the camera.

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