my poor third child. so much has happened in the past almost 3 months and i have not documented a thing. i'm so sorry. the good news is, it has nothing to do with the amount you're loved and doted on. in fact, i would argue that we spend the majority of our time being in love and that leaves little other time for things like writing about your days.
but, for posterity, i will try to capture some things.
you are laughing, which started a few weeks ago (november 5, actually). you're still figuring it out, but holy geez it is some cute business. you love it when i growl and kiss your neck or your belly and it makes you do this little giggle squeak that is really just too much.
you are cooing and growling up a storm. you squeal and talk a lot, especially when we're looking at you on your blanket on the floor or on your changing table. you looooove being on your changing table, naked preferably. you dig your little heels in and try to launch yourself around and you generally just talk and smile and kick like a madman.
your sleep is not ideal these days, but that's ok. truthfully, my going back to work has been a big and difficult transition for both of us. you love miss jeanie (your nanny), but you don't love taking a bottle, which leads to napping trouble, which leads to cranky get the idea. it's a feedback loop. but we will get there! i've been swaddling you since the day you were born and i think you're about over that, so we are just going to figure out how to ride through this time and it will all work out! i did buy you a new thing called a zipadee zip that promises to be the answer to all things sleep, so we shall see. i'm told there's also a sleep regression around 4 months, so maybe that's also part of this whole thing? who knows. sleep is a weird, elusive thing, but both your siblings learned how to sleep and (mostly) love it, and i believe you will too. also, you're so freaking beautiful when you're sleeping (all the time, really) that i know you will begin to embrace it.
what else? your eyes are still crossed, but i think the patching is helping. you have an ophthalmologist appointment on thursday, so we will see what the doc says. you love nursing and aren't a huge fan of the bottle, but i know you and miss jeanie will overcome that soon. you're a huge fan of being held and talked to - as long as someone is making eye contact and having a conversation with you, you're a happy camper. you looooove your mama, which makes me beyond happy, but you also really love your siblings and your daddy a lot too, as it should be.
we all just adore you, little wiggles. we are so happy you're part of our family.
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