Tuesday, March 02, 2010

five thoughts: olympic edition

here are my random thoughts upon the end of the 2010 winter olympics, in no particular order.

5.  vancouver: if at any point in time you were looking at the footage of the vancouver skyline with its lights and the water and the clear skies and you DIDN'T think, holy cow i could totally move to canada like, tomorrow, then you are not me.  i thought the canadians in general were gracious and delightful.  they won lots of golds, which is cool, and a huge boon when you're the hosting country.  i have a lot of odd fondness for canadia (i think they should change their name), and it was in all ways reaffirmed by this olympics.

4.  apolo ohno: i'm all for competition.  my mom will tell you i am rabid in my own right, and i'll admit i've been a bad sport on more than one occasion (we all have things we're working on, and i do think i'm getting much better about this).  but dude, apolo ohno did not go out with grace.  after pushing the canadian and being disqualified (a move that i completely understand, actually.  i mean, he had no chance of being on the podium, so he did what he thought he needed to do and hoped to not get caught.), he was interviewed about whether or not he agreed with the call.  at that point, he made accusations to the judges that there were home-field advantages and he thought he shouldn't have been DQed.  honestly, i would have had more respect for him if he had just admitted to just buckling under the pressure and moved on.  also, i think he needs to shave the ridiculous flavor saver.  that thing is a terrible idea for his face.

3.  ice skating: lots of people talk smack about ice skating because of the ridiculous outfits and the general flamboyancy of it all.  i think these people should try to hold their leg out parallel to the floor for 5 seconds, just while standing on normal ground.  that is hard, people.  try doing it at high speeds, on the thin blade of a skate.  don't even get me started on the jumping and spinning.

2.  general laziness: the two week period of the olympics accounted for more television watching than i do in the rest of the year combined.  this is both my favorite and least favorite thing about the olympics.  being cuddled up on the couch with the dogs and cat and blankets and jb, watching people do stuff that i will never ever be able to do is awesome.  feeling my muscles atrophy after being such a lazy bum, not so awesome.

1.  curling: never has such a random activity provoked the social response that curling has.  seriously, people cannot stop talking about it.  including jb, who is pretty sure he missed his calling to be an olympic curler.  it's kind of boring, but somehow you just cannot turn away.  i personally just want a pair of those random shoes that let you do the walk/slide on the ice.

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