Thursday, June 17, 2010

half way there.

yesterday afternoon, jb and i went to the doctors' office to see the baby up close and personal for the second time.  the first ultrasound we had was at not quite 7 weeks, so we were pretty excited to see if our little niblet had progressed from the gummy bear look/size.  we were not disappointed!

the baby (and i) are measuring exactly where we thought we were, so that is awesome.  s/he has all ten fingers and toes, 4 chambers of the heart, kidneys, bladder, etc etc.  of all the 20 criteria that the sonogram tech looks at, each one looked great, she said.  we could not be more excited.  right now, the baby is mostly head down, kind of lying across my belly.  s/he was sleeping when we interrupted with our little peek in there, so lots of the pictures show hands in front of face like s/he's rubbing his/her eyes and telling us to carry along.  such a scorpio already - ha ha!  the heartbeat was almost exactly the same as our 16 week appointment - 146.  i'm still feeling movement kind of on and off, but the tech said my placenta is anterior (sorry if this is tmi for some of you), which makes it harder to feel kicks as frequently and intensely this early on.  so, that made me feel a lot better and less crazy.

anyway...i actually only cried a little bit, mostly because it was just so awesome.  i expected to bawl, but i was really just so amazed and excited to see the niblet moving around looking like a real human baby in there.  we did stand firm on not finding out the gender, and i'm really proud of us for that.  it is so tempting, but we told the tech right when we walked in that we didn't want to know, so she didn't even look in that general vicinity.  she said she doesn't know either, so it will be a surprise for everyone in november.  woo hoo!

one funny story - after the sonogram, i got to get weighed and b/p and all that.  my doc's office just got a new, digital scale, so i stepped on it and it got to about where i expected it to be, then it started climbing to the 160s, 170s, 185, 192 and then sort of acting all crazy and going up and down in that range.  i was freaking out a little bit because i KNOW i haven't eaten THAT many french fries....the nurse was confused too so she was like, just step off the scale and then get back on.  well, of course i turn around and jb has one of his feet on the back of the scale messing up the whole thing.  the nurses about lost it.

hand in front of face; profile of face and abdomen
little feet; profile of full body, hand waving

both hands in front of face (weird pic); head and abdomen

head and abdomen with a little wave; hand in front of face in "land ho" position

1 comment:

  1. hahaha! that was my favorite part about the whole thing, watching amy get on the scale!

    great ultrasound pics...i loved that part too!


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