Tuesday, June 15, 2010

yummy dinner.

now that we're finally kinda sorta back in the swing of things (except for what happened this morning - i'll get to that in a sec), we are back to cooking dinner at home.  yay!  not that we haven't been at all, it's just been more about throwing stuff together lately than actually planned, functional meals.  anyway...last night was the first night i felt like life would be normal again after school and all the activity and fun that has been going on, and it was awesome.  we got home from work, picked veggies in the garden, jb mowed the lawn, and i watered all the potted plants (man, we have a LOT of plants) and ran to the grocery store to pick up the goods for dinner.

i was craving salmon and central market (this amazing grocery store by our house) has a salad they make in their cafe area, so i went over, took a picture of the description on the menu, and bought all the ingredients to make it at home.  it was a super tasty treat - the perfect summer dish.

- salmon (about 4 oz. per person.  i prefer wild, but they only had farm raised last night.  put cumin, paprika, salt, pepper, sesame oil, and rice wine vinegar, then bake on 400 for about 20 minutes, depending on the size of the filet.  i like to broil it for a few minutes at the end so it's kinda crispy on the outside).
- daikon radish, grated or julienned
- carrot, grated or julienned
- english cucumber, grated or julienned
- mango, cubed
- fresh lettuce or field greens
- ginger mandarin salad dressing - i used brianna's and it is delicious

all in all, a great night at our casa.  and then there was this morning.  poor ollie - i woke up (early), walked in to the kitchen, and fortunately decided to turn a light on.  good thing because that dog must have eaten something really bad as there was an explosion (or more like 6) all over the place.  clearly what justin wanted to be woken up with: "hey honey, our dog had explosive poop everywhere, can you get up and come clean it?".  gross.  anyway...i guess it's good practice for future diaper changing and all that.  hopefully our baby doesn't excrete with the same volume and ferocity as our dog.....and i hope mr. ollivander is feeling much better by this afternoon when we get home.  we left him in a crate today to contain any potential madness.

ollie on a day when he was feeling much better than today....

1 comment:

  1. poor ollie! brown has those moments too. another good reason i keep in outside during the night! especially now that we have a screaming baby and all.

    i love some salmon and that sounds like a really good recipe. amy and typically grill it on a cedar plank and top it with sauteed spinach and sometimes with gorgonzola cheese...really good stuff and good for babies!!!


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