Friday, July 02, 2010

edward cullen.

first of all, here's a picture of part of the front of the baby quilt i'm making.  the lighting is terrible in this picture (i took it with the isight camera on our imac and our bedroom is kinda dark), but i think you get the idea.  it's definitely not your typical pattern choices, but it's growing on me.  this could work for a boy or a girl, right?  i've been trying so hard to balance evenly between the slightly feminine and the slightly masculine, but it's so hard and makes me feel slightly schizoid sometimes - haha!

i actually have some other fabric i need to use and i'm contemplating trying to cut and piece another one over the weekend, just so i don't forget what i'm doing.  i love holiday weekends - yay for four days off!

last night, i made jb go see eclipse, the new twilight movie, with me.  in my defense, i read all the books so i feel like i have to go see the movies.  i had very much a love/hate relationship with the books.  i couldn't stop reading them or put them down, but i thought they were really vapid and ridiculous.  like candy for my brain - no nutritional value, but i just couldn't stop eating it.  anyway...i think the movies are pretty horrendous.  the casting is really good as far as physical characteristics and all of that, but i think the acting is abysmal.  there's also the lack of decent script writing (though i will say #3 is much better than the first two in this department), the unbelievably slow timing of every scene, and the hilarity of the CG werewolves.  but, we saw it and i have to say that jb is a great sport for being willing to be coerced into going to these movies.

one quick observation: all the vampires look constipated like 80% of the time.  i don't know why that is.  i don't know if their contacts make them feel weird or if the director is offering some bizarre suggestions, but it makes me laugh hysterically at inappropriate times of the movie.  also, all of their teeth are SO white i'm worried they might be radioactive.  just a thought.

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