Tuesday, July 13, 2010

quilt complete.

after so many pin sticks and a crick in my back from hunching over while hand-stitching the binding, the baby quilt is done.  i'm actually really excited with how it turned out - i washed it last night so now it's all soft and crinkly and fluffy like it should be.  upon seeing it in its completed form, i think it turned out pretty unisex, and i am quite pleased with that.  makes me want to spend all day crafting.  and, of course, have a room devoted solely to crafts which remains a pipe dream for now.
sorry the photo quality isn't fabulous - iphone photo taken on my desk at work this morning....

in other happenings, we had a pretty good weekend.  i got all ambitious and rearranged furniture and whatnot in the living room (something about being pregnant makes me want to move furniture around.  not sure what that means).  cleared out some more of the clutter in the former office/future baby room.  it's a slow process, but i think we're making headway.  

thursday we head to vegas for my mom's 60th birthday celebration, so that's going to be a blast.  her real birthday is at the end of october, but since i'll likely be close to bursting by that point, we figured we should travel while it still seemed like fun to me.  we'll see cirque de soleil's love and probably take a trip to the hoover dam and have some nice dinners.  i am also hoping to spend some quality time pool-side, as my body temperature will probably appreciate the respite of a dip.  this marks the first trip we've taken with just my fam and jb - the first trip the four of us have been on since my college graduation 7 years ago.  crazy!  i am really looking forward to this time with them.  we get back on sunday and then i leave bright and early monday morning for boston for work.  wheee!  i'll be gone for 10 or 11 days total between the two trips, with only a brief hiatus at home to do a couple loads of laundry.  wish me luck!  

oh, also, we head (momentarily) to our 24-week appointment today.  technically, i won't be 24 weeks til friday, but i didn't want to wait until i was almost 26 weeks before my next appointment, so they squeezed us in today.  i love hearing that little heartbeat and the practice we go to is so great - should be a good little check in with the niblet before my travels.  


  1. I love your quilt. It really is beautiful. Can't wait to see it in person. Hope you have a great trip to Las Vegas. Turning 60 is a big deal so I think we might need to keep the celebration going through October!! Can't believe you are already half way through your pregnancy. Hope your appt goes well today. Love to all three of you, LoLo

  2. The quilt looks great! You better put your seat belt on because these next 16 or so weeks are going to fly by. I remember cleaning out our office and then baby Amelia was here before we knew it.

    I heard that Love is great, and yes, I'm sure you'll need that dip in the pool. Enjoy your time with your family. Hope you found that new pet sitter you were looking for, too :)

  3. Wow, 24 weeks already!? Have fun in Vegas. I had fun last year when I went, even if it was on a "work" trip! The black jack tables are NOT nice there. But come to think of it, not too many tables are. There is a reason that place is made of money and can pay for all the stickin lights!

  4. so so cute Piper! Such fun fabrics!! I love it. you really finished that quick! Did you machine quilt it?? That's my guess from looking at hte picture, but whatever you did, it looks os great. Congrats--you are a quilter!! Have lots of fun in Vegas...and you know, UT is only about a 5-6 hour drive from there. Much closer then starting from Texas! And there are lots of fun quilt stores around :) SO, yea--I'm all for you extending your trip and coming to see us! But, I do understand that asking a pregnant lady to drive in the car for six hours is asking a lot!

  5. thanks everyone!
    linds - i machine quilted and then hand stitched the back of the binding. i don't think i have the patience, time, or callouses on my fingers to hand quilt an entire piece! haha.
    also, because i have to leave for boston right away, i don't think utah is in the cards for this trip, but hopefully we can make our way up there soon!
    amy and patrick - time is flying by so fast i can't even believe it....every week seems to just disappear....i can only imagine how fast november will be here! can't wait to see y'all in september (if not sooner).


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