Monday, April 19, 2010

8 days, people.

that's 8 calendar days.  as in, one week plus one day.  and then, i will officially be an MBA.  but even more importantly than that, i will be freeeeeee....i cannot wait.

this weekend was awesome, as usual.  they never are long enough, and i never get tired of saying that, however trite.  we managed to do lots of yard work and even some house work.  cooked some delicious food, including butternut squash soup that was super tasty.  saw kick-ass with some friends.  it was ok - pretty hilarious, but wildly inappropriate and violent, with lots of language i wouldn't even want a 17 year-old to use (hello, pot, i'm the potty-mouthed kettle).  the highlight of the whole weekend for me was watching jb get into a fist fight with our weed eater.  pretty hilarious.  he was victorious, though, so take that, yard equipment.

we've got lots of exciting stuff coming up on the weekends, so i'm sure pictures and stories will be forthcoming.  trip back to louisiana, trip to st. thomas, trip to vegas.  plus, graduation and all the joviality that will ensue in its wake.  i almost need a nap just thinking about it....

one final thought - now that school is over (ish), i am looking for book recommendations.  that's right, REAL books that i WANT to read.  bring 'em on.

1 comment:

  1. The best book I've read recently is 'The Help' by Kathryn Sockett. That said, I haven't really read a lot lately. Just started 'The Zookeeper's Wife'--heard it's good as well.
    Congratulations on your almost-freedom!


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