Friday, April 23, 2010


today, for the second time in a little over five weeks, jb and i heard the heartbeat of our child.  wow.  i have been pregnant, officially, according to the books and websites and doctors, for exactly 12 weeks.  we've known about it for about eight.  i must say, i am still trying to wrap my head completely around the whole thing.

though we knew we wanted kids, this was not a planned pregnancy, per se.  i have been finishing my last semester of grad school while trying to finish my first trimester of pregnancy, which wasn't *exactly* the plan.  but, the older (and hopefully wiser) i get, the more i feel like plans are kind of for the birds.  so, ready or not, planned or not, here we are, about to finish the first third of this exciting new adventure.

so far, i have felt remarkably good.  i'm sleepy a lot and try to fit a nap in every day.  but, no throwing up, no other crazy weird or scary symptoms.  in fact, if i hadn't seen the little nubbin at the 7 week ultrasound and heard her (him) again this morning, i don't know that i'd be entirely convinced i was actually knocked up.

anyway...that's all the news we have so far.  due date is november 5.  we're not planning to find out the sex (despite the groans i hear EVERY TIME i tell people that).  the heartbeat was 165 this morning, and that just supports my confidence in the fact that it's a girl.  we're stoked.  we're staying in austin, staying in our house.  we're going to wait a few more weeks/months to break the news to the dogs.

1 comment:

  1. So good to hear that the pregnancy is going well. I felt the same way as you. If it hadn't been for the ultrasound and hearing the heartbeat, it would have been hard to convince me that I was pregnant. Even now, about to burst at any second, I still can't wrap my head around it.

    And oh dear Justin, with a heartbeat like that, i'd have to agree with your wifey on it being a girl :) . If that's the case, watch out. From what I hear, she'll have you wrapped in no time. Patrick had told me since the day we got married, "I don't know what I'll do with myself if we have a girl; we have to have a boy." But the minute the ultrasound tech told us it was a girl, he couldn't have been happier. Now, he wants all girls! imagine that.

    I'm sure momma Kay is ecstatic. She was so excited for us, I can't imagine her excitement for you. Lorene and Sammy are getting a little ansy waiting for baby Amelia to come. They called this morning just to let her know they were packing their bags, so she didn't have to wait on them anymore.

    I am so happy for you guys. I can't wait to meet the little one. We'll definitely have to come up to Austin for play dates.


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