Friday, January 07, 2011

2 months old.

this morning, you took a super long nap swaddled in your miracle blanket.  when you started stirring, i unwrapped you and you proceeded to throw your arms in the air in full victory pose (that's what your dad and i call it) and stretch yourself out like a cat.  then you gave me a huge grin.

you've also been doing this new thing where you talk to your animals (alison calls it talking to your animals and i think it's hilarious and totally appropriate).  your turtle mobile, the animals on your bouncy, the world at seem pretty pleased with everything, from the sound of it.

i cannot possibly describe to you what a joy the past two months have been.  every day you surprise and delight me.

1 comment:

  1. I love reading the emme kay blog. She is growing up so fast and I know that one day she is going to love reading all that you are writing. She will love it when she has a baby brother or sister and she will love it when she is a young teen (you will love it too when you think you can't make it through the teen years.) She will love it again when she is about to be a young mom.

    I love the joy that pours from this blog. You always put a smile on my face!


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