Tuesday, January 25, 2011

rolling rolling rolling....

today, emme rolled over.  it was amazing - i think it surprised her even more than it surprised me!  we went to a movie at alamo drafthouse with our friends alison and cameron this morning.  we saw black swan for baby day (this theatre normally doesn't allow anyone below 18, but they have showings for folks with kiddos on tuesday mornings).  it was quite intense and really well acted and emmeline crashed on me the entire time.  she was so sweet and i love all of our time cuddling.

anyway...we came back to our house and the babies were having play time on the floor.  emme has been getting mad at tummy time on occasion and today was one of those occasions.  i put her down on her belly and she wiggled for a second and then just launched herself over onto her back.  it made her stop crying in surprise - it was so cute.

she has yet to have a repeat performance, but i will persist with the tummy time and we shall see.  for now, though, i'm marking january 25 as the first tummy to back roll...
(i know the hand holding picture is kinda blurry, but these two girls are just so cute i had to post it....)


  1. too precious and what great friends they are.
    Amelia had a crazy day around 2 or 3 months where she rolled over several times in a day, but didn't do it again for a couple of months.

    I LOVE that quilt!

  2. P - she looks just like you. It's amazing.


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