Monday, July 11, 2011

packing it all up.

y'all.  i have a revelation.  it' super new - i don't think anyone has ever thought or said this, ever.  packing is not fun.  ha.

this past weekend, my parents came into town to help us get the moving party started.  it must be said: my mom and dad are machines of productivity and help.  they can be counted on in any situation to show up and get things done efficiently.  it should also be said that i don't think i have ever had to ask them for this sort of help - they just volunteer, show up, and deliver (they also don't require direction or micro-management, which is amazing).  i am a very lucky daughter.

it works out, of course, because we also like hanging out with them, so the help happens and then there's time for fun and visiting and loving on emme kay.  this weekend, they were in town for 23 hours.  seriously - they drove in from houston saturday morning and left sunday morning after breakfast.  in those 23 hours we packed up 90% of the living room, a good chunk of our bedroom, and probably 50-75% of the kitchen.  we also drove by the new house; visited with wendy, david, and parker; grilled red snapper and ate a delicious dinner; had a plumber fix our garbage disposal; went out to breakfast; went to mass; and got a chance to visit and goof off a little bit.  whew.

we still have a lot to do, of course.  there's a bunch of packing that just can't happen until the final moments, but at least we've started making some headway....10 days til closing....

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