Saturday, July 09, 2011

8 months old.

this morning i made a mistake and told someone you were 8 years old now.  at the rate you're growing and changing, it feels like you will be 8 years old any second.  as your mother, it is unbelievably rewarding to watch you developing so well, but i do feel like time is racing by at speeds i didn't know about before i met you.  i am imagining you being completely annoyed in the future, as i'm sure i will tell you you're growing too fast at every possible occasion.

this past month has been kind of a blur.  we found our new house, traveled to wichita, had father's day and a weekend in sisterdale, texas.  add to that all of the usual fanfare that accompanies the work week and our social calendar, and i can see why i feel like time is racing along.

in spite of the frenetic pace, though, you have continued to be the most joyous part of our lives.  you're crawling everywhere now and you are not afraid of anything.  you make calculated decisions about which path you're going to take in whatever direction you've decided to go in, and it's so fascinating to watch your mind working out your plan.  that plan often leads in the direction of plugs and cords, so we have to be on our toes with you constantly.  you prefer to be standing up and occasionally try to creep along but you're not quite there with taking steps yet.  i'm thankful for that, as i hope it means we have a little while longer before you start walking....

you have recently entered the fabled land of separation anxiety and are incredibly attached to your mommy these days.  when i leave the room, you crawl as fast as your chubby little legs can take you in whatever direction i went and you call out for me or cry.  it's really endearing, but i hope we can work through this constructively as i know it's not really good for you or me in the long run.  you are curious about everything and everyone, but you like to take a moment to observe people before doling out grins.  you definitely don't give your chuckles out for free and there's got to be something pretty hilarious happening for you to give up a laugh.  that being said, you do think it's endlessly entertaining when i try to eat your feet and when your daddy makes donald duck noises.  you love hand-clapping and are trying to do it yourself but you're still a little too fisty.  you love it when we whistle.  you think the quack sound is delightful.  you talk to animals whenever you see them and seem well on your way to being an animal lover like your mom and your kk.  you continue to be a great eater and your pincer grasp is really getting good.  you're not saying a whole lot more than you were a month ago, but i think you've made a ton of physical strides this month, so i don't think that's abnormal.  you still have just your two bottom teeth and have only bitten me a few times.  it hurts a little but you don't bite hard and i always jump a little, which scares you and then you don't do it again for a few weeks.  i actually find it kind of hilarious when you do it, but i try not to give you positive feedback, as that seems like it would be a bad idea for mommy....

what else?  you nap 2-3 times a day.  you sleep 11-12 hours at night.  you nurse 5-6 times a day (or take bottles when i'm at work).  you eat in the morning and in the evening, and i'm thinking i will gradually add in a third meal over the course of the next month.  you love every food you've tried - including feta cheese.  you are in constant motion and we have all learned to change your diapers and put on your clothes while you're in mid-roll or standing up on your changing table (see pictures below for your favorite post-bath activity).  you are fascinated by simple random objects like boxes and receipts and your diaper bag.  we love you so much little niblet.  happy 8 months!  

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