Sunday, October 09, 2011

eleven months.

baby girl.  on friday, you hit the eleven month mark, which means we are mere weeks away from your first birthday.  i remember last year at this time, your dad and i would walk the field with the dogs as the days were just starting to get nice and we could not contain ourselves over how anxious we were to meet you.  would you be a girl or a boy?  what would you be like?  who would you look like?  how would we be as parents?  of course, the answers to all these questions are still in development, but i think i can speak for us all when i say knowing you the past eleven months has been better than my wildest imagination could have dreamed up.

this month your speech has really taken off.  you jabber constantly and say several words with intention now, as well as lots of jibberish.  mama, dada, etta, dog, pippa, book, pool, banana, i know, turtle (only at the zoo, but i'm counting it), baby, wawa (i believe this is water, but you've only come out with it a few times, so i'm not sure yet).  you stick your tongue out and make fish faces now, too, which is hilarious.  you are really interested in teeth and facial features, and you can point out your nose when asked.  you're becoming only very slightly less obsessed with putting every single thing into your mouth.  you are a little demon in your walker - you can maneuver that thing all over the place.  you love to hold our hands and walk all over the house and yard.  you are super affectionate these days and will cuddle in to our necks and give kisses which basically means you smear your open mouth on my face.  i love it.

you are still a rock star sleeper, which makes me a little nervous for when you start school (in two weeks!) because they will slowly transition you to one nap.  for now, you're still doing two naps of around two hours a piece, and sleeping 11-12 hours at night.  it is quite amazing, although in my neuroses i wonder if it's TOO much sleep for your any case, you are not one to dabble.  when you are awake, you are fully alert and all over the place.  when you are asleep, you crash out.  the same with eating - when you're hungry, you ravage food like an adult (seriously, how does someone your size consume the amount you do?); when you're not hungry, your mouth is like a clamp.  speaking of food, you've recently been really in to anything seasoned with cumin (i made some lentils in the crock pot that you loved, as well as carrots with cumin).  you tried shrimp for the first time and gobbled it right up.  you eat cucumbers and extra sharp cheddar cheese.  fruit is still your favorite thing, but you're quite fond of pretty much everything you've tasted and i love how curious and excited you are to try anything.

you're trying hard to figure out several things these days: stacking rings on a pole, nesting cups, and the idea of in and out.  you get frustrated when you don't get something right away (i wonder where you get that from....) and will either fuss about it or throw it aside.  i'm hoping to be able to teach you patience and perseverance and the virtue in the learning process.  you still favor your mama over anyone else, which i secretly relish since i know it will be a blip in the grand scheme of your life.  you can get super upset when i leave the room or head out for work, but you calm down easily with just a little re-direction (and if you're interested in something really cool, you hardly even notice when i say goodbye).

you still have only 4 teeth, but i am thinking we might see another one soon.  i haven't weighed you in a while, but i think you are probably close to if not right at 20 pounds.  i'm still nursing you, and even though i know i'll likely wean you (and you'll likely wean yourself) around the one year mark, the thought of ending it breaks my heart into a million pieces.  you only nurse in the morning and at night, and i pump only once a day now, but i have loved that special time with just you and me.  i'm sure i'll write a long post about it at some point when i'm feeling even more nostalgic.

you love your books and your animals.  you hugged pippa today and i thought your dad and i might pass out from the sweetness.  i don't know if you'll be walking by your birthday, but you sure do love to stand up and cruise.  you bounce and dance and laugh and squeal and hop and explore and clap and bring an unfathomable amount of joy to our lives.

i love you so much, little rabbit.

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