Friday, April 04, 2014

more upbeat post.

today is gorgeous and heavenly outside.  i have a wicked cold/allergies/who knows what, but i've got the windows open and i'm hydrating while working from home, and it's goodness.  we have trumpet vine growing on our house and it's all in bloom or about to bloom and it's spectacular.  yay for spring.

this weekend i'm taking a sewing class - it's a quilting technique, so i think i'm going to start on what will eventually be hollis's big boy bed quilt (or a template for it), since it will probably take me a year to complete it.

last night before going to bed, ek whispered something i didn't hear as i was closing her door.  she started crying once the door was closed (which she does when i miss/forget one of her random items on the bedtime checklist).  i opened it back up and she said in a loud stage whisper "i just wanted to tell you i really like your dress".  that girl.

1 comment:

  1. What a sweetheart. :) Hope you had fun at the sewing class - I've always wanted to make a quilt but have no idea where to even start.


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