Wednesday, April 16, 2014


have i mentioned my friend callie on here?  i know i have, but man.  love her.  love her photo-taking skills.  hate hate hate that they're moving away from us, but really excited for their next adventure.

so, sunday morning callie came over because they listed their house this past weekend.  sunday mornings can go one way or the other at our house.  any morning, really.  but this sunday was going the other direction, mostly because i was trying to sort of clean up the house and sort of look like a person who looks presentable sometimes on sundays.  so, the kids were hungry and restless.  but callie had offered to take a few pics of us and i put on mascara for crying out loud.  we walked right out the front door and attempted shots for maybe 10 minutes or so before i gave up and we went to breakfast.  i was not optimistic that we would have a remotely functional anything to look at, let alone a picture that i'd want to hang on the wall in our home.  but c managed to capture a shot of our whole little family looking at the camera and making mostly normal faces.  magical.

she also spent a few minutes playing with ek in her room and snagged the other shot.  love.  really grateful for such talented friends.

1 comment:

  1. can she move to boston and take some AMAZING photos of my fam?


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