Thursday, March 10, 2011

four month pictures.

i have been horrible about posting pictures lately - i'm so sorry!  i think i have just had so much going on, it's all i could do to jot down a little bit about our activities here and there.  i have a boat load more to upload - some from wendy's baby shower last weekend, as well as a summary of last weekend (how is it already thursday?)...but that will have to happen later.

i am starting to realize that parenting is even more controversial than discussing politics.  i feel like there are major decisions to make every day and people are very very opinionated about each one.  i'm just trying not to be crazily over-analytical about everything (yeah, right) and do what i think works best for emme and for us.  for example, last night, the little miss learned how to roll over from her back to her tummy.  she has been super duper close for a couple weeks now and has had a few rough nights of sleep in a row - she would roll her body completely over but couldn't figure out how to get her arm out from under her, so she was awake (and so were we....) for HOURS trying to make it happen.  anyway, as she was crying going down last night and trying to flip herself over, justin just moved her arm out from under her so she was lying on her tummy and she passed out in about 40 seconds.  maybe less.  amazing.  i was so torn about whether or not to roll her back to her back before we went to bed.  we decided to just let her sleep and see how it went.  she loved it - and now she can do it herself, completely, so i guess she is making her own decision where sleep position is concerned.  i am sure everyone has an opinion about whether to enforce back to sleep for the full first year or to let your kiddo do what she wants when she's physically capable....i admit i am still torn, but i think we're just going to ride this tummy thing out for a little while and see how she does.  don't even get me started on the brain muddle i'm having about starting solids and iron absorption.  yeesh.

anyway, here are some pics of miss emmeline kay, age 4 months and 2 days.  we shot a few on our bed yesterday when we got home from work, and then just had the camera around for our walk with the dogs and bath time.  i promise justin was here for all of this stuff - we joke that i'm going to tell emme that her daddy was in prison for her childhood because he's always behind the camera.  one of these days i promise i'll do some of the shooting....


  1. adorable. And, yes. Discussing your parenting techniques is definitely more controversial than discussing politics or religion. Isn't it crazy? And it's even more crazy that you get those "parenting" tips from people that don't even have kids. It's easy to parent when you don't have any :)

  2. OMG, this child is the CUTEST! Try not to worry too much (although I've learned there is ALWAYS something to worry about) regarding how she is sleeping. I promise you it is virtually impossible to control what position they sleep in once they are rolling both ways. Hope to see you guys soon!

  3. wow, she is getting so big...and CUTE!! let the fun begin! justin better start his questionnaire for all those boys

  4. She is getting so big! Yes, the whole decision when to start solids is hard. I think it just depends on the baby. I waited until 6 months with Amelia (mostly becuase it was so much easier to nurse her than pull out all the baby food, etc) but that was me being kind of lazy I think. I started Emerson at 4 months though because he was just huge and needed more than milk. The other two--I think it was around 5 months. Seriously, I think it is totally up to you and if you think she is ready for it. You could always try it and if there really is no interest on her part, try again in a few weeks. Just stay away from the things that she could get become allergic too (strawberries, peanut butter, etc) and you will be fine.
    Good luck with it all!


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