Thursday, March 31, 2011

some days.

this morning i got up when liga knocked on the door.  this is not the first time that has happened.  i turned the alarm off at some hour after pressing snooze twice (i tell myself in my head that i don't want the alarm to wake the baby, but let's be honest i am dying for just a few more minutes of sleep).  i stumbled into the bathroom and noticed the creepy vein that's bulging out of my eye is still there.  it's not super noticeable, other than to me, but i see it.  justin doesn't want to look at it because he's grossed out by "things in eyes", but it's there and it's creepy.  i showered and then spilt breast milk on the counter trying to prepare emme's bottles for the day.  i nursed her when she woke up (25 minutes after us) and was rewarded with spit up on my clean shirt, which i half-heartedly mopped up with a soggy burp cloth and then promptly left on.  after managing to finish clothing myself in something resembling work-appropriate, i poured a mug of coffee and made it out the door.  5 blocks away from the house, i remembered i had left my wallet in the stroller yesterday, so i turned around to get it, in the process spilling coffee all over the center console and all the pens/receipts/orange peels that make their home there.
when i made it to work, i realized (after parking at the opposite end of the parking lot) i'd forgotten my id badge, so i had to walk to new jersey to get the security guard to let me in.  he made a joke about it that i completely didn't catch - what happened to my quick wit?  since getting to work, i forgot 2 different meetings and forgot to pump for an hour more than i was supposed to, leaving me with only 2 sessions for that today.  tomorrow's calendar looks like a hot mess of blue activities to complete, so i am scrambling to get ahead on a day when i am only falling more and more behind.  i promise i will get it together again one day.

1 comment:

  1. Oh man, I had a day like this the other day too. It was after dumping my whole bin of flour all over my freshly mopped floor, trying to shop vac it up and ending up just blowing it out the back of the vacuum all over the other side of the room that I just gave up on productivity. Ugh. Mama said there'd be days like that, right? :) Hope tomorrow's better for you.


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