Tuesday, October 05, 2010

three years old.

this should have been posted last week, but i am woefully behind on pictures and posts and updates, so you'll have to forgive me....

despite the fact that it's somewhat ridiculous to celebrate pets' birthdays, i'm a big believer in it.  to me, pets (especially dogs) are an essential component in my happiness and fulfillment in life, so i like to celebrate the day they came to be part of the world.  even if that day is sometimes a little made-up because i wasn't actually there.  anyway.  ollie turned three on september 30.  i think that's like 19 or 21 in dog years, but he's super mature for his age.  we celebrated by giving him a rawhide (which etta promptly stole even though she had her own), taking them on 2 or 3 walks, and eating dinner outside where they could romp and have our company.  it was a good day, even by our dogs' standards (where every day is really a good day).  

my favorite thing about dogs is how every small thing is an utter delight to them.  when i get home from work, it's like there could be no greater or more phenomenal gift in the world than me showing up at the place where i live.  when we ask them if they want to go on a walk, you'd swear we were offering them millions of dollars as well as immortality.  i just love the joy they embody at all times and how little it takes to get them totally stoked about the smallest things.  

happy numero tres ollivander!

1 comment:

  1. I totally believe in dog birthdays. When sandy was still around, we celebrated her 100th birthday with all of our friends' dogs(I think there were 8 all together). We invited them out to the park and even had a doggy birthday cake. I made treat bags for each one of them. We probably spent at least $75 on that party. P and I were in line at Target buying the treats and I said, "If we spend this kind of money on a dog's birthday, what are we going to do when we have a kid?" But that was a very special birthday and we'll always remember it.

    They definitely deserve birthday celebrations, too.

    Happy Birthday Ollie!


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