Wednesday, October 13, 2010

tres anos.

three years ago today, justin and i got married.  it was a really really fun day.  i can also honestly say that pretty much every day since then has been fun as well.  this is not to say that we've not had spats here and there, and random trials and tribulations.  of course we have.  but when i look at the whole of our marriage so far, the predominant reaction i have is to smile really big and giggle a little bit.  i hope i can continue to say that for many many more years.  i feel very lucky.

today we had our 37 week appointment and everything is still looking good, thankfully.  i have confirmed that i am having some contractions, which is exciting.  i didn't really think anything was happening, but jb felt my belly last night at one point and was like "dude i think that's a contraction".  we asked the midwife this morning, and she confirmed that that is, indeed, what a contraction feels like.  hilarious that my husband had to tell me....

heartbeat was in the 140s today, and the baby is still head down and cooperating, which is great news.  the midwife is predicting that it weighs about 6 or 6.5 pounds right now, and she's estimating 8-8.5 as the birth weight.  sounds great to me.  i also got a flu shot today, which i wasn't crazy about doing, but i think after weighing all the options it was the right decision.  i've definitely put on more weight than i had hoped, and the swelling has begun in my ankles (as of yesterday), but we are close to d-day, so there is no use crying over spilt milk, i suppose.  our stroller is purchased (thanks mom and dad!) and ready for me to start running again as soon as nibs and i are ready....

so that's it.  appointments are weekly now, so we see one of the OBs next tuesday.  the full moon is also next friday, the 22nd, so we'll see if all these old wives are on the money with that tale.  i would love love love to make it to next friday, and then this monkey can show up any time his/her heart desires....


  1. Patrick asked the nurses about the full moon, and they said they actually put more staff on the shift during a full moon.

    One positive thing about the swollen ankles is that the minute you deliver, they will miraculously go away.

  2. congrats on three years! you guys are such a cute couple. crazy it has been that long--seems like it was your wedding just yesterday. And holy cow---you are just about there!! I am so excited for you guys. Those weekly apts get so exciting, wondering how much you have progressed, etc
    P.S. and I really like that art work above the baby's crib. so so cute.


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