Monday, February 10, 2014

babies (not the human ones).

emme is obsessed with babies.  babies being stuffed animals, baby dolls, and the like.  obsessed.  she carries around and sleeps with a pack of about a million.  and by a million, i mean 19.  actual 19 - i counted tonight.  that is a lot.

so, tonight justin was bathing the kidlets and i was changing their sheets and restoring some semblance of order in their rooms.  i put all of ek's babies on a bench in her room and decided we need to reel this in a little bit.  we told her that the new rule is she can pick which four babies she wants to sleep with every night.  she tolerated this remarkably well.  tonight she picked big baby, little baby, kevin, and floppity.  as she was crawling into bed she said "i might probably get some other babies in the night".  we'll see who's in bed in the morning.

oh, also, we were reading her frozen book tonight (another obsession).  she said "mommy, do you remember when we saw frozen together at the movie elevator?"  love.


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