Tuesday, May 13, 2014

jb loves pinterest.

i didn't write about all the stuff we actually did on mother's day.  it was a good day.  we're in the process of re-doing our back porch - painting, cleaning, new screens, new doors.  we're doing most of it ourselves, but we have a guy that's going to put the actual screens on for us, since that part is wily and requires a level of expertise we don't possess (and/or a learning curve we're not willing to put up with).  but, pretty much everything else we're doing.  screen dude said he was going to come to our house tuesday, so we basically had the weekend to wrangle the whole project.

let me just offer an aside about how amazing it is that productivity begets productivity.  in general, we collapse on the couch at 830 or 9 at night after doing just the things that have to be done - lunches packed, dishwasher loaded, diapers stuffed.  but when we manage to start accomplishing things...it's like it gets addictive and we do more and more.  i love that.  it reminds me of what life was like before we were waking up throughout the night with small humans.  ha.

anyway...the point of this post was mother's day stuff.  jb made a fantastic brunch for me - eggs benedict, bacon, hashbrowns, and oj.  he's a really good cook.  but, since the adult brunch took some time to prepare, he whipped up a little platter of snacks for the kiddos so they wouldn't turn into gremlins, which they are wont to do when hungry.  clearly someone has been sneaking around on pinterest when i'm not looking...

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