Thursday, November 24, 2011

thankful: thanksgiving day.

this morning, mom and i went to mass and the priest was an indian man who had only been in the states for about 10 years.  he moved to louisiana from india and his homily was about how amazing this country is.  how he was so surprised by little things like people having yards, and then having to think about watering those yards because where he grew up, they didn't have clean water for their children.  it was an incredible perspective.
today, i am thankful to live where i live, in this time.  i am thankful for insulated shelter and healthy, abundant food choices, and sanitary water, and access to infrastructure like roads that allow me to get places relatively easily.  i am thankful that, even though i think our political system is broken and infuriating, we live in a place where change is a possibility.  i am thankful that i have access to education, that i don't have to teach my daughter what a "woman's place" is.  today, i am thankful to be where i am.

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