Thursday, November 13, 2014

four year stats.

monday morning i was driving the kidlets to school when i remembered (somehow, magically) that ek's four year well-child appointment was at 8:30. woops. my mom asked me if i keep a calendar (answer: yes, of COURSE i do i couldn't live without it!), but i don't normally check it until i get to work in the mornings. and i still keep a written calendar because i like the exercise of writing stuff down, even though the lack of alarms/reminders is somewhat troublesome.

anyway. we made it with time to spare and emme was extremely nervous about getting shots. i remember at her 18-month appointment they warned me about the four year visit because they are so aware. she's had a few friends turn four and then show up at school with tales of shots, so she expected it.

but first. they weighed and measured her!

height: 40 inches - 60%.
weight: 34 pounds - 50%.

i was so excited. she loses weight really easily when she's sick, but lately she's been eating quite well, so i'm thrilled she's made it to the mid-30s. she still looks/seems so petite, but i guess she's right about average, so we'll take it!

next they did hearing and vision screenings. she was the silliest child ever during each of them, but managed to indicate that she can, in fact, see and hear, so that's stellar news.

dr. treybig asked all about what she likes to eat (she said roast beef and squash - neither of which she will really touch. funny kid.), if she drinks milk, what kinds of stuff she likes. she was super talky and personable, so that was great.

then it was time for shots. she got the flu mist in her nose, which made her a little mad, but she handled. then chicken pox in her right arm, which was a non-event. then MMR in the left, which i could tell hurt (and the nurse warned me about). she cried and looked at me and the nurse with big tears and lots of indignation. poor baby. on the drive back to school she kept saying "i really didn't like that shot, mommy". ugh.

anyway, that was it! so proud of my big girl. she's still a champ sleeper (naps most days 1-3 hours and sleeps a solid 11 hours most nights). she eats better than most from what i can tell (she says berries are her favorite food and she'll try almost anything at least once). she's working through some of the normal four year old struggles like sharing and defiance and exerting her dominion over everyone, but i like that she's so feisty and i feel like we'll ultimately be able to help her harness her powers for good. i love this niblet.

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