Tuesday, October 27, 2015

knife skills and other things.

so i went to japan a couple weeks ago and it was awesome. one of the awesome things that happened was i got justin this gorgeous knives. these knives are sharp, as you might expect. one might even call them ninja sharp. anyway...sunday night i asked jb to chop up an onion for me so he could test out the sweet new blades...

(side note: justin has mocked me for YEARS about my knife skills (or lack thereof), but i would just like to state for the record that as of today i have not had an ER-worthy knife injury. i did jack myself up on a mandolin slicer like a year ago, but i just wrapped that thing right up...)

within a slice or two of the onion, we had a nice cut on his thumb. ouch. there was a lot of blood, and he wouldn't let me look at it (my dude hates the sight of blood), so i suggested we kick it to urgent care. amazingly, the bowmans were walking up to our house at that exact moment, so they were able to hang out with the kids while i drove him to the closest ER. amazingly, we were pretty much the only people there, so it was pretty quick. the doc suggested stitches, but said he could get by with steri-strips, which is what my needle-averse husband chose. there was a traumatic moment or two when the doctor cleaned out the wound (squirting some solution directly into it) and lots of blood happened, and jb would probably say the worst part was having to get a tetanus shot...but he didn't cry :).

anyway...i've been sure to provide plenty of mockery to aid in healing. 

in other news, this weekend was super rainy. all day rain on friday and saturday and most of sunday. the kids got creative with hiding places, ejecting the laundry from the hamper so they could occupy this nook. 

and, finally, on an unrelated note, i snapped this pic of hollis before school on monday. he "wanted to hug emme's pumpkin" before school. that kid, man. 

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