Tuesday, March 05, 2013

hollis at two months.

yesterday was our sweet boy's two month appointment, and i really think he's doing much better.  we are now on the path to fighting his reflux.  our doc thinks it's the reason h is so fussy and cries like he's in pain.  she also thinks it's why he is so big - he has been eating to try to quell the pain.  that made me feel pretty horrible - to think my baby has been hurting all this time!  but we are giving him prilosec now, so hopefully this really helps. it's so ironic that i hate giving my kids any medication and h now gets three different things a day...ugh!  i also have always hated the reflux diagnosis - it feels like a cop-out.  but, if it offers him some relief, i'll take it.  and, i'll take the cute chub, too, even if it's just a side effect of the reflux.

anyway, other than that, we are plugging along, trying to develop some semblance of a routine before i have to go to work.  it's tough - the different moods and levels of exhaustion impact each day.  but hollis's good periods are getting longer each day.  he is getting super smiley.  he's sleeping a teeny bit better/longer, but still nothing more than about 4 hours or so, on occasion.  we'll get there.

two month stats:
height: 23" - 60%
weight: 14 lbs - 90%
head: 40.5 cm - 60%

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