Friday, January 31, 2014


i've seen some book posts lately, so thought i should whip one out during my quest to blog more frequently in 2014.

i have been on a kick where i am reading dystopian young adult fiction non-stop.  it is super embarrassing to admit this to the internet, even on a private blog.  i fully intend to read real books again someday, but i'm so engaged by these dorky teenager books.  it's like candy for my brain (and my brain needs candy sometimes).
in january i read pure and fuse by julianna baggott.  the last one (burn, i think?) comes out in early february and i can't wait.  it's about a post-apocalyptic world where some people made it into a dome (hence, they are "pure") and those that didn't have crazy stuff fused to their bodies from the time of the detonations - a doll's head, a fan, other humans or animals.  it's gruesome, kind of, but also really surprising well-written and fascinating.  the thing i love about books (especially books that take place in the future or in an alternate reality or a magical realm) is thinking about how/why the author created the rules for whatever world s/he invented.

i also re-read through the ever night in preparation for into the still blue - the third in this trilogy.  i liked it more the second time through, and i am almost always glad whenever i re-read the prequels right before embarking on the next in a series.  this is especially true because so much of the lore blends together in this genre.  but i have really high hopes for into the still blue.  anything conclusion has got to be better than allegiant, which was a complete fail for me.

i also started the demon's lexicon, but it's not wowing me so far.  i will likely finish it, but the jury's still out on whether i'll read the other two in the trilogy.  it's such a commitment to read a trilogy.  ha.

so that's it.  three books, one of which was a re-read.  i'll do better in february, maybe.

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