Wednesday, October 22, 2014

no more sick kids.

wheeee. we are well! for now.

seriously, every time my kidlets get sick, i am a wreck. it's so much to deal with - worrying about them, dealing with doctor appointments, trying to keep up with work, interrupted sleep, all the things. i secretly like some parts of it just a little how they're extra cuddly and full of love and how it's a great excuse to wash and decontaminate everything in my house. BUT, of course, those things require lots of time and energy too, and time and energy aren't always in abundant supply around here.

i digress. the main thing my kids' illnesses do is remind me of how rarely they are sick. which reminds me of how extremely grateful i am of that fact. for kids who are in daycare all day every day, they are super healthy. hollis's recent bout with hand-foot-mouth was the first time he'd been to the doc since his well-child appointment at 18 months, and the first time he'd been for an illness-related visit since i don't know when...maybe an ear infection? emme ran fever for a day last week but bounced back with authority. she also barfed in the middle of the night on friday night and once on saturday morning, but that was most likely from something she ate and she recovered immediately from that episode, too.

anyway. i am just happy they're well again and we can continue the mayhem of our regular lives without the added bonus of germs and grumpiness.


  1. Yay! Having sick kids is the worst. Glad to hear everyone is on the mend! Stay healthy!


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