Wednesday, September 22, 2010

class summary.

our newborn care class was fun.  probably not as fun/realistic/informative as it might have been if we'd been using real babies, but i think we both got some good information, and it was helpful to get some perspective on all the stuff babies need you to do for them.

we did get to see several awesome videos involving men with intense mustaches and women with bad sweaters and worse haircuts.  ah, the 80s.  we also saw a clip of a diaper with meconium that i'm pretty sure has scarred justin for life.  just wait.

the hands-on portion of the class had us taking plastic babies through various stations to practice all the skills we'd learned from the videos.  justin thought it would be a great idea to grab the african-american baby, which i know really impressed the 30 other couples in the room.  he was holding that baby up like simba.  i just hope he's that proud when he meets our real baby.

we were also supposed to practice the football hold/carry as we transitioned from station to station.  apparently, babies enjoy being held like this and it's easier to keep their head supported, etc etc.  jb thought it was more practical to carry the baby by its head in the "basketball" hold.  fortunately, he really excelled at the swaddling, so i think we'll be ok when our real baby arrives.  i've informed him that basketball holds are ok for class, but not ok for real babies.

we also toured the hospital where we'll be delivering and it was super nice.  they are all about security and very progressive about working with families and care providers to give you the experience you want.

this weekend we have an infant cpr class which i bet will bring more fun stories.  amy says the mannequin babies in that class are even more terrifying than the ones from newborn care, so i can only imagine....


  1. im sure you have heard this: but the miracle blanket is the most amazing wonderful swaddling blanket. you must get one. i promise you will not regret it.


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